Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hope - Never a Cliche

As a cockeyed optimist, sometimes answering to Pollyanna, I can't help but be buoyed (pun intended) by the Miracle on the Hudson (per my tweet of "watching miraculous rescue:

It struck me - and a lot of my friends - that the timing of such an uplifting story of rescue is in perfect sync with the upcoming inauguration. We are all hoping to be rescued, perched as we are perilously close to close to being submerged by the muck created by the last administration. We are holding our collective breaths that there is a tugboat coming to lift us up, in the form of Obama/Biden. BravObama!

But it will take, just to keep the analogy going, putting our own masks on before helping others. In other words, we each have to do our parts.

We can't forget to be eco-conscious -- and I mean both economically conscious and ecologically conscious. This is not a time to give up on going green or saving green, to keep THAT pun going, too. Happily Obama has promised decent investments in renewable energy programs. The cockeyed optimist in me hopes that he sticks with the program despite some recent cautions.

And maybe even more a sign of new times? Mainstream folks are greening their world a little more. Even household cleaners are cleaning up with green. One year Clorox launched its Green Works line of natural cleaning products. Now? The brand has established itself as a leader in the category, capturing 42% market share.

Bring it on.

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